lunes, 27 de enero de 2014

Joan Córdoba

These lines are just to share with you my sadness for the death of my colleague and friend Joan Córdoba.

I have known Joan for almost 20 years and over that time we developed a very nice friendship.  He was a very thoughtful and kind human being. He was always very respectful, compassionate and honest; a true gentleman.

I was deeply impressed with the bravery that he faced his disease. His example of strength and dignity will inspire me all through my life.

I would like to share my grief in this time of bereavement with deepest sympathy and condolence to his wife Mercè and the rest of the family.

Rest in peace. 

2 comentarios:

Estela dijo...

Siempre lo he pensado... el cielo tiene que brillar de noche con miles de estrellas y el sigue haciéndolo desde allí arriba como lo hizo aqui...!!! ^_^

Anna J R dijo...

Me sumo a tu condolencia. He trabajado años con su madre y la muerte de un hijo, de un marido o de un padre, a esta edad, es una perdida demasiado triste. Recibe mis saludos.